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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


SARAH PRICE'S REVIEW - FIVE STARS Besides the fact that I simply adore Murray Pura as a colleague and now friend, this was the first of his books that I have read. After reading this one, I can assure everyone that ALL of his books will adorn my bookshelves! I will read all of his Amish books. There were two unique things that set this apart from other Amish books that I have read. First, the setting is in the past. Murray Pura is quite the historian and I love books that provide detailed insight into history. He is a masterful writer and knows how to weave the story around history. Bravo! The second thing was the detailed character development of BOTH the female and the male character. I really like books that provide well-written insight into both the female AND male protagonists. I look forward to reading many more books from Murray Pura. My next one will be the Rose of Lancaster.

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